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Our Mission.

Our Mission

Working Toward A Trauma-Informed Minnesota

Trauma is an experience or series of experiences that overwhelm a person's ability to cope, make sense of and effectively respond to the situation. The research is unequivocal: Untreated trauma is the common thread weaving through many of the problems facing individuals and society. Violence, poverty, crime, addiction, mental health issues, chronic medical issues, and lack of educational performance can all be directly linked to unresolved trauma. And yet institutions and healthcare systems provide woefully inadequate services and care for traumatized people, perpetuating suffering for individuals and social problems for the community.

MN Trauma Project aims to put an end to this needless suffering in our state. We are dedicated to increasing awareness of the effects of trauma, creating training opportunities for human services professionals to become trauma-informed, and facilitating collaboration across providers and systems regarding trauma-informed modalities. Currently, we do this through three avenues:

Website: is a hub of information on trauma resources for healthcare providers, policymakers and the public at large, providing lists of trainings, events, websites, books and listings of trauma-informed providers.

Training:  MN Trauma Project brings internationally renowned trauma experts to hold professional trainings for healthcare providers in the Twin Cities. Our prices are set affordably to increase accessibility so that more
professionals can gain expertise in the latest thinking, research and treatment modalities for helping traumatized individuals.  


We bring in leading experts to provide practical workshops on topics including:


Trauma Theory

Trauma Treatment


Affective Neuroscience

Interpersonal Neurobiology

Co-occurring Disorders

Development & Attachment



Networking Opportunities:  MN Trauma Project strives to bring thought leaders, innovators, practitioners and organizations together to learn from each other and join forces to make Minnesota a trauma informed state. We do this through events and informal networking opportunities that serve to connect professionals and create opportunities for increasing public awareness of trauma and its profound impact.

MN Trauma Project's goal is for Minnesota to become a fully trauma-informed state where all human service agencies and professionals operate from an understanding of how trauma impacts the brain and that traumatized individuals deserve compassion and support in healing. MN Trauma Project's goal is to eliminate needless trauma-related suffering in Minnesota through acknowledgment, education, training and collaboration.

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