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Upcoming Workshop.

Jerry Lamagna, MSW, LCSW
Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 2019                                                                   Location:  St. Paul, MN

Existing in One’s Own Heart and Mind: Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Complex Trauma

 A two-day workshop with Jerry Lamagna, MSW


Co-hosted by AEDP-MN


Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 2019


Space is limited so we encourage you to register early.
Looking forward to seeing you in October

Jerry Lamagna, LCSW, is a senior faculty member with the AEDP Institute and a psychotherapist in private practice in Manhattan and Westfield, New Jersey. His early career focused specifically on treating adult children raised in alcoholic families, where exposure to clinical challenges associated with complex trauma inspired him to pursue training in approaches like psychodrama, EMDR, ego state therapy, trauma/dissociative disorder treatment, IFS and of course, AEDP.

In 2004, Jerry, along with Dr. Kari Gleiser developed a modified version of AEDP for the treatment of dissociative disorders. Since then, Jerry has authored three articles on AEDP and its application in treating complex trauma and in 2015 released a three DVD training video of his teaching and live clinical work. In addition to writing, supervising
and providing psychotherapy, Jerry teaches AEDP in North America and Europe.

Existing in One’s Own Heart and Mind: Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Complex Trauma

 A two-day workshop with Jerry Lamagna, MSW


Co-hosted by AEDP-MN


Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 2019


Course description

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is a healing centered, transformation-focused model of psychotherapy that integrates experiential, relational and psychodynamic approaches with ideas drawn from the study of neuroplasticity and positive emotion. It posits that side by side with psychopathology and resistance to change, there exists in people an intrinsic hard-wired capacity to heal, adapt and grow.   


In this training sponsored by the Minnesota Trauma project and AEDP Minnesota, Jerry Lamagna will introduce AEDP as an integrative approach to treating chronic trauma and neglect. In addressing its impact on the individual, Mr. Lamagna will demonstrate through lecture and videotaped sessions, how AEDP employs moment to moment relational mindfulness to undo a client’s unbearable state of aloneness and more effectively “share the emotional load” during difficult moments in treatment.  In addition, there will be an exploration of AEDP’s four state model of change —from defense and self inhibition, to emotion processing to experiential work with the felt sense of change-for-the-better.  


Mr. Lamagna will also present on Intra-relational AEDP, an AEDP-informed approach to parts work that specifically addresses the inner aloneness and marginalization of frightening/painful experiences resulting from trauma and dissociation. Here the presenter will demonstrate how the explicit "tending and befriending” of one’s own suffering and the positive affects linked to shared resonance, recognition, compassion, understanding, expansion of consciousness and wholeness can provide experiential “fuel” for transformational moments in treatment.  


The training will also demonstrate how, as a therapeutic approach, AEDP concepts and techniques can readily complement other treatment approaches like EMDR, IFS, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and SE. 


Learning Objectives

1. The participants will be able to list the sequential stages of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy’s four state transformational process.


2. The participants will define the AEDP intervention known as Meta-therapeutic processing and name two ways it facilitates integration of transformational moments in trauma therapy.


3. The participants will describe two AEDP interventions used to promote emotion regulation and positive affective experiences linked to safety, worth and reflective capacity in trauma clients.


4. Participants will name two affective change processes in AEDP that can help stabilize patients in early trauma treatment. 


5. Participants will be able to list and describe two therapeutic interventions specific to Intra-relational AEDP work that assist patient’s in regulating overwhelming emotional experience. 


Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 2019

8:15-9:00 AM Registration 
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Workshop


Two 15 min. breaks.

1.5 hour lunch on your own.

Coffee, tea, and light refreshments provided throughout the day.



The course is suitable for all counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, health and social care professionals practicing in health, education and social care settings and in private practice, and who have a core professional training. It is suitable for therapists working in all modalities and student-therapists. 


Registration Costs


Regular Registration (For Licensed Professionals):  $240

Degree Conferred/Unlicensed (For Professionals with a degree, but not yet licensed):  $200

Student/Military Registration:  $150


12 Continuing Education Credits will be provided for those who attend both days, with confirmed approval from:

MN Board of Psychology (LP)

MN Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (LADC & LPCC)

MN Board of Marriage and Family Therapy (LMFT) 


MN Trauma Project is an approved continuing education provider through the MN Board of Social Work (LICSW)    


Workshop Venue:  Dakota Lodge


Address:  1200 Stassen Ln, St Paul, MN 55118


Parking:  Free Lot


ADA Considerations:  Handicap Parking available

Single Level Facility


Please contact MN Trauma Project at for any specific accommodation requests.

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