Writing a Blog Post for the MN Trauma Project Blog.
If you are interested in sharing on the MN Trauma Project blog, we ask that you e-mail your written work to info@mntraumaproject.org.
Basic standards for MNTP blog contributions:
Authorship - In support of our local community, blog authorship is limited to local (state of MN) authors/writers.
Length - 1000-1500 Words (apparently research shows that the most read and shared blog posts average around 1500 words). Blog posts as long as 2500 words are also shown to be okay for web post.
Quality - Edited for grammar, flow, punctuation, spelling, etc. We will not post any blogs that are require significant revisions.
Content – trauma related, this can be on specific approaches to working with trauma, why you have found specific approaches are helpful, specific considerations with working with particular populations, the relationship between trauma and other concerns, lessons learned in working with trauma. Please note that a blog is meant to be more personal, not an academic paper.
Original - We ask that blog contributions be original content, not having been posted on other sites previously.
Title (if you can come up with one, great, if not, we will add a title before posting)
Bio - Please include brief bio that we can post on our blog contributor’s page, with a link to your webpage if you have one.
Please note that blogs not meeting the above specifications will not be posted on the website.